Speaking & Training

Our practice offers engaging and informative speaking engagements and training sessions on various mental health topics.
Led by our knowledgeable therapists, these events are tailored for the needs of varying organizations, schools, or groups seeking valuable insights and practical tools. We aim to educate, inspire, and empower audiences to foster healthier mental health practices and supportive environments.

Speaking & Training Topics

Body-Based Approach to Trauma Recovery
Intersection of Mental Health & Faith
Practical Parenting Support for Adoptive Families
Mental Health Support for College/University Students, Faculty, & Staff
Staff Trainings & Retreats
Navigating Technology with Your Teen


Explore the genuine experiences and reflections shared by individuals and leaders of organizations in our testimonials section. Hear directly from those who have participated in our speaking and training programs, gaining insights into the tangible benefits they’ve encountered. These honest testimonials offer a real and authentic perspective on the impact of our trainings, allowing you to glean valuable insights and make informed decisions about how our offerings can align with your unique needs and goals.
Dr. Baker is a wonderful presenter that really cares about the material she teaches and the people she is teaching it to. Her trainings are informative, interactive, and really kept our clients engaged. We received excellent feedback from her presentations and are excited for her to present to our clients in the future!”

Angela Waters

Continued Parent Development Training Coordinator at Families First
The somatic classes that Christine put together were an incredible blessing to my family and me. Christine has put the information together in a way that is easy to digest and absorb. It’s backed in research while also giving a lot of practical ways to engage with the information and implement it not only in your child’s life, but your own. I thoroughly enjoyed the classes and had multiple lightbulb moments where it felt like Christine was connecting so many dots to things I have experienced in my own life and observed in my children. It’s given us some new verbiage to use in our home and ways to model nervous system regulation with and for our children. Highly recommend!

Meagan Smith

Adoptive Mother
Christine’s rare combination of grounded Christian commitment and depth combined with clinical knowledge and skill brought the material on trauma alive in practical and meaningful ways for my students.  Christine is exceptionally engaging and knowledgeable but more importantly is attuned and caring in her approach.  Her teaching with both change and inform you.

Dr. Gordon Bals

Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Beeson Divinity School
We invited Dr. Baker to facilitate a seminar for our church discussing the intersection of faith and mental health. Mental health is often a topic that Christians do not talk about because they see it as disconnected from faith or do not have the tools to address it. Dr. Baker provided biblical, practical information on the holistic and interconnected nature of body, mind, and spirit. She gave our people simple, repeatable practices to help address bodily responses to trauma and stress. These simple practices have helped people heal and allowed them the space to grow spiritually. I would highly recommend Dr. Baker to come speak to your church or organization.

Steven Castello

Lead Pastor at City on a Hill Church: Forest Hills
Christine did an amazing inservice for my physical therapy team on trauma informed care. Her presentation style facilitated great discussion and she taught us tools and strategies that we could immediately start using. We all feel much more equipped after this inservice with Christine!

Dr. Emily Gilmore

Founder of Thrive Physical Therapy and Wellness